1977 Honda CB750A Urban Brawler (yes, a Hondamatic!)
She started out as a beautiful machine but, then we got our dirty hands on her and well, ... take a look!
Our customer scoured the country looking for the perfect platform bike to have BBR transform! He was inspired by our previous Urban Brawler Build (the '78 CB750K) with some minor variations including a color change. He also wanted his platform bike to be the infamous 750 Hondamatic. The main driver being that he wanted his entire family to also be able to enjoy this bike ... we can confirm the he is definitely a good man and extremely considerate! He found this incredible example above - only 10,000 original miles - she runs beautifully! She now sounds very different after the transformation! We would like to thank him for his faith in our work, for his patience and for turning over this beautiful Honda CB750A SOHC for us to transform. After the countless hours of labor and love poured in to her, we really love how she turned out ... and most importantly, so does he!!! The color pays homage to the early Honda Racing years! Plus, we really dig how cool it is to go down the road on one of these old-school "Hondamatics" !!!